Monday 11 June 2012

Higher Class Catch Up

We had a busy couple of days in class so it is vital you check you have not missed anything.  This post will also be useful to the people who were in class to check you understood everything.

This document details the work you have missed.  It is your responsibility to complete it.  See me if you have any problems.  All the resources are at the front of the classroom.
Thursday 7th June
·         Introduction of the core text. 
We looked at Stephen Fry’s letter to his younger self.  The lessons before the summer will be based around this so it is vital that you get a copy and do not allow your school bag to swallow it!
We looked at the reading strategy that you will use for all close reading texts.  You must collect a copy from someone who was in the class. This should be placed at the front of the close reading section of your folder for reference.
We then looked at key arguments in the text.  We talked about how these should be broad points that are repeated throughout the text.  You must identify three and for each point provide a quote and comment to back it up.
For personal writing each pupil began a timeline of their life.  They folded an A3 sheet in half and plotted any moments of their life onto it.
Resources needed: Letter
                                 Reading Strategy
                                  A3 plain paper
Homework: Key arguments from the letter
                     Timelines completed
                      Due Monday 11th June
Friday 8th June
·         The class did dictation at the start of the lesson for a grammar audit.  You will be required to come in on Thursday 14th at 1:15 to complete this exercise.
The class created a timeline of Stephen Fry’s life from the letter.  We used this to talk about the difference between telling a story and reflecting.
We then looked at the reflection circles featuring Cinderella.  We matched up the inner circle and outer circle and discussed how you would change a poor plot based piece of writing into a clearly reflective piece that shows sophistication.
Resources needed: Cinderella sheet
Homework: Timeline of Stephen Fry’s life
                        Annotated Cinderella sheet
                        A quality newspaper article (from the comment or opinion section) relating to one of Cinderella’s wider issues.
                                See me for a deadline

Monday 11th June
·         Introduction to Understanding questions
We applied the skills we learnt to the letter.
We completed questions from the text book.
Resources needed: Notes and textbook
Homework: See Me

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